This, That, and the Third is the seventh episode of the first season, making it the seventh episode, overall.
The episode kicks off with the crew lounging in the lobby of the shop.
Ceaser and Dutchess are clearly dating, and the crew is taking notice.
They also lament about Alex not showing up to Las Vegas.
Walt and Dutchess have a heated argument about him slacking off. Afterwards, Ceaser brings her into his room to talk about it. She seems depressed, and he realizes that she is upset about the argument between Walt “and” him.
Dutchess wants Ceaser to come to North Carolina with her, and he finally obliges.
Ceaser reveals to the crew that he is going to North Carolina, and Sassy believes that he will not trust anybody to run the shop while he is gone. To his surprise, he puts O'Shit in charge while he is gone due to the fact that he got his work done in Las Vegas.
Even though he trusts O'Shit, he still has his doubts.
Sassy's best friend comes in for a tattoo. O'Shit does the tattoo.
Puma takes Quani on a date and talk about the daughter and moving into an apartment. He reveals that he wants to marry her.
While talking about Ceaser going out of the state, Teddy and Walt express how they think he is moving too fast.
Walt meets up with Alex and talks about her not showing up to the convention. He suggests that she talks to Ceaser, but Alex does not feel the same about it.
Sassy and Dutchess meet up at a bar and talk about taking Ceaser to meet her parents.
Puma and Quani go to look at an apartment, but they cannot afford it.
Since the photo shoot with the women of the crew went well, Urban Ink comes to the shop to take pictures of the men of the crew.
Dutchess's friend, named Diana, comes in to get a tattoo colored. Dutchess does the tattoo.
Ceaser reveals the new awning.
Alex shows up to the shop to talk to Ceaser. He tells her that she believes that her drink was drugged, and she also believes that Ceaser should have contacted her. He promptly ends the conversation by firing her and storming off.
Dutchess goes outside to talk to Alex, and they hold onto each other until Dutchess throws her up against a gate.
After pulling them apart, they proceed to have a verbal argument, and it ends when they are separated again.